Miami building & construction trades council AFL-CIO

These pages were copied from the 1993 Fantasy93 program book

As a result of the commitment indicated by this letter and a letter from
each of the two previous Presidents over 500 of this organization's
members donated thousands of hours, Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays
and yes, vacation days renovating buildings at the Center.
They also obtained donations from suppliers
amounting to well over $100,000.00
After buying this old private home, IIN converted it into
the Linda Ray Infant Center and eventually donated it
to Children's Home Society
Infants In Need's President, Linda Ray, developed a vision
to have a research Center to deal with Infants that had been
prenatally exposed to "crack cocaine and other substances"
The acceptance of this vision by the Board of Directors of
INN let to the acquisition of a parcel of land with two apartment
buildings, one with 6 apartments and one with 24 apartments. The
building above was completed first to serve 40 "at risk" children.
Here are some images of Union Members at work.
The Intervention project is shown in the next pages.
This is a few of the members that were dedicated to donated
their free time to renovate the large building to be known as
The Linda Ray Intervention Center in honor of her vision to
serve "at risk" children.