Blackie's Grand Adventure

Here is news from the Pacific Northwest

Blackie has arrived to Eugene, Oregon in the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately, he did have to spend one night in the post office, but was taken care of quite well by the postal workers.

On Monday, Blackie went to Lifegate Christian School with our daughter Chelsea to spend some time in her first grade class. Blackie and his travelling companion (either Hippity or Hoppity) were opened up by the class and their teacher Mrs. Rench. Pictures were taken of Blackie and his first grade classmates. They were so thrilled that Blackie would come to spend time with them and were amazed when they read about his Grand Adventure.

In the morning Blackie and the class learned about crickets shedding off their skin several times before they reach adulthood. They have also been learning about caterpillars and the process of becoming a butterfy. The class did some math problems andreading. They went to lunch in the cafeteria and all of the children wanted Blackie to sit next to them.Blackie loved all of the attention!

Blackie could not believe how green Eugene is and that we live on the Willamete and the McKenzie Rivers. To very prominent rivers in the Northwest. He will be visiting the Willamette before he leaves and will also be going to the Pacific coast to meet a surprise guest. Then we will send him on his way to his next host. We wish we could keep Blackie with us. He is such a well-mannered guest and a joy to have around.

Now, more from Oregon

Blackie is going out to dinner with us tonight to a Eugene hotspot: Jo Federigo's. They serve Italian food and have live jazz music nightly. I think he will have a good time even if it isn't the jazz and oyster fest. Also since today they began the new teenie beanie's, Blackie and Hoppity will be going to lunch at McDonald's over the weekend and see the frenzy that these warm little baby creatures have caused again!!

Chelsea's class really enjoyed Blackie's visit and don't want to him to leave. I called her teacher last night and told her to look on the web site for Blackie arrives to the Pacific Northwest). She was thrilled and was going to print it out for the class. If it's okay with you, I will take him in on Tuesday for one last good-bye before he goes off to his next place. Since we have the long weekend, we will also be taking him to see Keiko (the whale who starred in Free Willy!) at the Newport aquarium. Hopefully, we will be able to get a picture of Blackie and Free Willy together! (not in the tank!)

Do you mind if we send the kids some salt water taffy?? or are they too young for it?? I will be sending you a carepackage seperately from Blackie. By the way, where is Blackie supposed to go next?? (Assuming we let him go. He is such a wonderful guest!)

Have a wonderful weekend. And again thanks for letting us participate in Blackie's Grand Adventure. What you are doing for these kids is truly special.

Blackie had a great time in Pulaski, IL

While staying in Mt. Pulaski, IL Blackie watched Dr. Matt give chiropractic adjustments, helped the Lincoln postal employees with the National Association of Letter Carriers food drive, canceled letters, sorted mail, helped sell stamps at the window and then came home and met Donald and Sylvia Klumpp who introduced him and his Coca Cola Seal pal to all of their beanies.

On Blackie's 2nd day which happened to be Mothers day he helped make cheese omelets and went to Sunday School at Zion Lutheran Church in Mt. Pulaski. On Monday Blackie and his friend visited with the Zion Lutheran Grade School and grades 2-5 walked the duo uptown to the courthouse where Abe Lincoln used to practice law. Blackie donned a stove pipe hat and had his picture taken while he was pretending to be Abear-ham Lincoln.

After school Blackie and buddy went up to Creative House where all good beanie babies are adopted and saw the Beanie Baby Boulavard sign.

On Tuesday Blackie got up at 4:00 am to go to the post office again and he worked with Lynda Klumpp, his host, Linda Diers, Bill Brown, Virgil Rademaker, Sharon Tibbs, and Don Wolper. We all really enjoyed having such a well bear-haved visitor. We wish Linda and her children all the best and God's blessings

Submitted by

Lynda Klumpp:)

Here is proof that Blackie was a good bear and went to Sunday School while in Mt. Pulaski

Thanks to the Klumpp family for participating in the Blackie Grand Adventure